Effie Costume for the Hunger Games Tribute Training b-day party
"May the odds be ever in your favor"
Originally I tried to make a dress like one
Effie wore in the movie by refashioning a goodwill find. Turns out my sewing
skills DO NOT extend to a refashion from size 18 to 8. But… the fabric from the dress was useful and utterly cheap ($3.00 for the dress) for an outrageous headband flower that
doubles as a sun hat. I still have tons of failed refashion fabric left. Luckily I wear pink high heals and satiny stuff alot, so I just pulled something out of my closet. My hair needed a lot more teasing to hold but it got the idea across.
1. Cut petals in 3 different sizes with one squiggly long shape. I freehanded
this cutting so each was a smidge different. The dimensions were roughly:
4x7, 3x6, 2x3
2x 12
Assembled in this order:
Outer row = 6 petals
Middle row = 4 petals
Squiggle = 1
Center row= 3 petals
2. Using a candle (with a fire extinguisher out and ready if
needed) I burned the edges of all the petals. Burning the edges gives the satin
a nice dimension and curl. The internet is full of tutorials and tips but I
free handed this one.
3. Using a hot glue gun I fastened the petals to a square of
fabric. Each petal I put a dot line of glue on the square base. Note: I should have put waxed paper or
something under the entire project to protect the counter top. Lesson learned.
4. I pinched, folded and manipulated the petal as I placed
it onto the line of hot glue. I was really manipulating these petals so my
fingers inevitable encountered the hot glue. But the manipulating made it look pretty cool
and kinda unique for each petal. Note:
Set hot glue gun to low. I had it on hot and burned my fingers with this
effort. I didn’t know the gun had a setting but luckily I noticed part way into this project.
5. Repeat gluing and manipulating for two rounds.
6. The squiggle piece
was fun. I glued and placed in 1 inch sections and swiveled the flower as I
went fastening the squiggle into a circle.
7. Glue the final 4 petals into the center like I did the
outside rows.
8. Attach to a headband.
Flower Broach
Assembled a scrap of fabric as the
base and then using safety pins I attached every flower I have in the pink colors.
I have a lot of flowers. I wear them on lots of stuff. Created a long broach and pinned it to my top. I made it on a long bit of ribbon to attach to the dress like a strap but it just went over my shoulder and no one asked.